Clear Aligners are transparent trays made of special material which are used to straighten teeth just like braces. They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position without going through the hassles of metal wires and brackets. They are custom made for each patient through a digital scan.

They are custom made for every person and designed to move teeth in the desired direction very very slowly. This is achieved by digitally capturing impression and processing the information using specialized software, where the future projections for better results and straighter teeth are computed and then the milling machine automatically custom fabricates the set of trays for you. On average, a person needs approximately 25-40 sets for complete alignment.
The aligners come with an advantage i.e. they are very snugly fitting which over a period becomes virtually a part of the body and hence causes no speech problems. There are no restrictions on eating and drinking any foods as you will be removing them before every meal.
Though aligners are the most comfortable option, yet there are certain things that need to be kept in mind while you have it on. Your Orthodontist will give you a set of guidelines that should be followed diligently such as below:
- You should wear the aligners for at least 20 hours a day for the effective results
- Remove your aligners while brushing, flossing & eating. Never have it on especially while consuming anything hot
- Keep your aligners clean. While you brush make sure that you brush your aligners in the same way
- Keep them safe in the box as given by your Orthodontist to prevent it from getting dirty
- Retain your smile with Retainer – Just because you’ve got your teeth straightened does not necessarily mean that it will stay straight throughout. Your Orthodontist might advise retainers which will prevent your teeth to shift back to their previous location
- Take care of your food habits – It may so happen that your teeth are sensitive after the treatment, therefore, it is advised to not consume, too crunchy food for a few days. Let your smile rest before going back to the crunchy munchy snacks
- Do not forget to brush – Keep up your habit of brushing twice a day and flossing in order to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Not taking good care of your oral hygiene will let the treatment go in vain.
- Visit Gurgaon Dental Lounge for your treatment and we have got that perfect smile you always desired for. Always visit a dentist after every 6 months to ensure that this smile remains intact.